Multi-skilled notary lawyers, they ensure complete follow-up to the operations they are in charge of.
For each legal matter, a lawyer is responsible for the expertise and update of the means implemented by the office. To this end, he follows seminars, colloquiums, trainings and reports on his readings and experiences.
In addition to daily contacts, each lawyer has a weekly personal meeting with the notary to ensure proper orientation and progress of his files.
Master degree in Law and Notarial Law
Tel. 02/235.07.62
NL / FR / EN / ES
Nathalie OLIVIER
Master degree in Law and Notarial Law
Tel. 02/235.07.61
FR / IT / NL / EN
Rue du Cardinal, 46 | 46, Kardinaalstraat | 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel
+32 2 235 07 50 |